Contact Us

Doctors - Receiving and Responding to Phone Calls and E-mails.
Registered patients are able to access a doctor by telephone to discuss their clinical care. The first point of contact is our Reception staff who will record your message and forward this to the Doctor via our clinical software or via other relevant means. Each Doctor has their own preference and timing for accepting and returning non-scheduled calls. Due to most GP's consulting part-time, phone calls may only be returned on their next consulting day. If something is more urgent, please bring this to the attention of our reception staff who will then assist with your query.
E-mails to the clinic/your Doctor are not encouraged as this is not a secure method of communication. E-mails of urgent nature may not be read, responded to, or received in a timely manner as the inbox is not monitored 24/7. If you need to speak with a Doctor regarding your healthcare via telephone, booking a telehealth appointment is the best means.
Non-clinical Staff will not give treatment advice or results by telephone.

We respect your right to have a constructive, accessible, and confidential means for providing positive or negative feedback about our services, and for having these comments or complaints dealt with in a fair and efficient way.
Written complaints or suggestions may be placed in our suggestion box located at reception or given to any staff member. Please see reception staff for a complaints form or feel free to provide your query in your preferred format.
We welcome verbal complaints or suggestions for minor matters that would not generally require a written notification (e.g. appearance of clinic, lack of supplies in toilet, temperature). These are matters we may be able to attend to/resolve immediately. Please feel free to talk to your doctor or receptionist if you have a suggestion or complaint. The Practice Manager is also happy to speak with you and this may be arranged via reception.
We take all suggestions and complaints seriously and will respond verbally or in writing depending on each circumstance. If you wish to take a matter further and feel that you would like to discuss the issue with someone outside of the clinic, please contact the Health Care Complaints Commission on 1300 582 113. You may also visit for assistance.